Herd of Directors

Director Ramjac

Dept: Corporate

a.k.a Jinx or Aaron


Lady Red

Dept: Editing

a.k.a The Lady of the Red Pen or Mel

Mr. Booms

Dept: Science

a.k.a The Mad Scientist or Chris

Mrs. Brooms

Dept: Custodial?

a.k.a The Warrior Maiden or Emily

The Rob

Dept: R&D

a.k.a The Rob


Dept: Marketing

a.k.a The Resident Artist or Dominic

a.ka. Yours truely!

Mr. Anti

Dept: IT

a.k.a Tyler

The rest of Herd

Father of Ramjac

Mother of Ramjac

Brother of Ramjac

a.k.a My Giant Brother

A disclaimer

Any resemblance between the characters in this film comic strip and any persons sheeple, living or dead (not yet), is a miracle (just sad).